Manitoba Waterfowl Hunts

Manitoba Waterfowl Hunting Trips
*This hunt includes everything from airport pickup, all meals and lodging to bird cleaning and packaging.
Waterfowl hunting has always been a stronghold of mine, guiding waterfowl hunters from an early age in Nebraska and North Dakota, prior to Canada. One of my strongest points is being able to read a field the night before and anticipate which field is going to give us a solid play the next day. That knowledge has led to consistent shoots day after day throughout the season. I’m also able to read the birds flying over and know which are likely to decoy and those that aren’t.
We have 80 percent or more return clients annually, and I believe this comes from the solid shoots day after day, combined with clean and comfortable lodging, and exceptional meals.

The finished product--a custom built 42' blind that has been a complete game changer to our waterfowl hunts.
Another huge sell of our waterfowl hunt is our custom-made, 42-foot metal blind that we pull on and off the fields daily. If there has been too much rain, we also have four custom-made, 18-foot metal blinds we can pull into the field with our huge swamp buggy. These offer hunters of all ages to enjoy the comfort of SITTING in a heated blind, your shells and coffee on a shelf, and a mid-morning breakfast cooked in the blind. Yes, we have propane heat running throughout the blind. Our blinds are also a great way to work with your dog as the blinds have custom-made dog doors. Lay-down blinds have their place, just not in our operation, as our clients continue to tell us how much they truly dislike hunting from one of these blinds.

A great hunt that provided a mix on snow geese, Canadas, and ducks.
About 80 percent of our hunt is geared towards the morning where we shoot limits of Canada geese on an average of two of the three days of hunting. We also get some nice shoots on ducks on some of the fields, and often have big shoots on snow geese.
If snow geese are moving, we will decoy those mile high flights. Most mornings are spent hunting right up until noon where we find that the geese actually decoy better in the mid-morning time frame.
All shooting is done on decoying birds, and we put out an average of nearly 200 full-body decoys every day. Pass shooting is fine on a desperate day, but I am all about decoying birds.
Afternoon hunting is geared to picking up additional birds, and is stronger later in the season when goose hunting is open all day. Otherwise, the afternoon is often a filler to pick up ducks on small creeks or walk for ruffled or sharptail grouse.

Manitoba Hunting Regulations
Basic fish and wildlife regulations for Manitoba can be found in the Hunting, Angling and Trapping guides. Regulation changes occur every year, so it is important that you read and understand the information provided in the guides. For a free PDF of the most current available Hunting, Angling and Trapping Regulations please visit the official Manitoba Wildlife Federation's website by clicking the MWF logo displayed to the right or the button below.
Manitoba Hunter Education Requirements
Need your Hunter Education Certification? A replacement Hunter Safety Card? If you’ve got questions about getting certified so you can go hunting you’ll find everything you need to know below:

Canada Migratory Bird Permit
Please click here to purchase your federal license (migratory game bird hunting permit)