Alberta Whitetail Hunts
John Rampolla from New Tripoli, PA with a brute.
Alberta Whitetail Hunting Trips
We began operating whitetail hunts in Alberta in 2003 and it was an extremely smart move to expand our whitetail operation west. This province has always held one of the best reputations for huge bucks, and our consistency in killing big bucks has been spot on year to year. We hunt remote bush areas where we hold a 65-75 percent success rate, and have had seasons as high as 92 percent successful.
Our average whitetail taken will score 135 and nearly every year we will shoot bucks over 170. The area we hunt finds these remote bucks less educated than what you would find with bucks near agricultural areas. We hunt heavy bush areas, and rarely do our hunters shoot past 100 yards, with most shots within 60-70 yards. Combined with the ability to purchase a wolf license, almost all of our hunters are back on the tree stand in pursuit of a wolf. A huge amount of our return clientele have shot wolves over the years on this very hunt. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to go through other outfitters’ website pictures to figure that these opportunities are offered few and far between. But on our whitetail hunt, we have had many hunters also anchor my favorite trophy over the years.

Shane Davenport from Bridgeton, NJ with a very special buck.
This hunt is done from a remote area in north central Alberta, accessed by either tracked Argos or, when frozen, with snowmobiles. Unlike deer in the agricultural areas, where first light and late evening seem to be prime time for bucks being shot, it is just the opposite with our hunting areas, finding most bucks shot between 9 am and 1 pm.
These bucks see little-to-no hunting pressure and certainly don’t have a Harvard’s degree like many deer in the US. That is a good thing as you can throw caution to all the non-scent sprays, and come with a good dose of patience as almost everyone will hunt dark to dark.

Not your average whitetail hunt!
Many of our clients also hunt the midwest USA states such as Illinois, Iowa or Kansas, and they always tell us they look forward to our remote wilderness whitetail hunt unlike any of the others.
With no dogs barking and no distant automobile traffic within hearing, it’s just you and thousands of acres in the middle of nowhere. If you hear another rifle shot, you can just about bet it’s from one of the others in camp.
Everyone is always amazed at the shear body size of the bucks, and the deep chocolate antlers has been a strong draw for hunters to return. These bucks have the front stature of a big linebacker which is evident in the photos.
Our whitetail hunting adventures are just that, a true adventure from start to finish. You can bet if you shoot a big old buck, that years later, you won’t talk about the big buck you shot, but more about the whole adventure of this trip.

Alberta Wildlife Identification Number (WIN)
All anglers and hunters must have an Active Wildlife Identification Number (WIN) before purchasing any license, wildlife certificate or draw application. The 10 digit number confirms eligibility for a license within seconds. The same WIN is used to purchase both hunting and fishing licenses.